Coffee and Jazz

?????? HFOR weeks now, I had been watching out for the opening of a new Russian restaurant in Garapan but when I passed by on Friday I saw a new sign that stated “Jazz & Coffee Bar” beside the restaurant. I just had to check the place out, which I did on Saturday evening. C
The glass walls were heavily tinted and I and my companion didn’t know what to expect but when we entered it was like stepping into a red magic room — the dimly lit bar with red trimmings, soft lights on the walls, the brick walls and wooden floor panels, comfortable sofa sets and tables and the huge posters of musicians.Jazz filled the room, making you want to head straight to a table and get lost in the music. A friendly wait staffer headed to our table with slim laminated menus. I decided to try their latte mocha. My companion chose the white chocolate mocha, and we both agreed to try the Russian apple pie.Jojit, our wait staffer, delivered our Russian apple pie first — two huge slices that looked too sweet at first glance. I forked a small piece and popped it into my mouth, expecting a sugary concoction of flour and apples, but I was wrong. The pie was not so sweet and it was soft in the inside and crispy on the top.
Our coffee arrived next, and I spent the next minutes snapping photos while my companion was watching me, silently fuming. I knew he wanted to sip the coffee while it was still hot but I took my time snapping photos.
I was halfway through my coffee when Jojit told me they had a special promo on Saturday — free red or white wine for the ladies. He insisted so I accepted, not sure if coffee and wine would work out harmoniously. Luckily it did for me.
Check out their menu for a selection of desserts: carrot and ginger cake, cheese cake, cup cakes,ice cream and other mouthwatering Russian specialties below the $10 mark.
If you’re a bit hungry, you can order soup, salads and appetizers. The main dishes include seafood, beef, mushroom omelet and other dishes — all under the $20 range.
Coffee & Jazz serves a selection of red and white wines, house wine, sparkling wine, beer cocktails, beer, frozen margarita, vodka, whisky, tequila, gin, rum and cognac.
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Coffee & Jazz is located on the second floor of ABC across from DFS in Garapan. It is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. Cards are accepted. For reservations or inquiries, call 233-7722.
First published at the Marianas Variety
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