Of great coffee and giant burgers

CONVENIENTLY tucked at the end of the hallway opposite The Magellan restaurant at the Pacific Islands Club is a busy nook sPhotos by Raquel C. Bagnolerving a variety of all time favorites: The Galley.
I’ve been planning to try what this place had to offer several times in the past years but did not get the chance for one or another reason —  either I was in a hurry, I was not hungry, the place was jam-packed or I was with someone who didn’t want to eat.
But last Saturday afternoon, hunger and the strong need for coffee led me and buddy Lexie to the place. She had coffee and Cajun chicken wrap — two rolls of grilled Cajun marinated chicken breast with shredded lettuce, tomatoes, Monterey Jack cheese wrapped in warm flour tortilla, and cheese flavored French fries.
I decided to try the $11.50 Galley burger and a cup of regular coffee. I had not finished my first cup when the food staffer returned, carrying my burger. My eyes just popped out. It was a giant ground beef burger on toasted sesame roll with bacon, fried egg, tomatoes, dill pickle, onion rings and lettuce —all squeezed between two toasted buns. The Galley burger came with regular French fries. There was just no way to finish even half of the burger so I took the rest home.
The Galley’s ala carte menu includes a sumptuous mix of American bistro, Japanese noodles, Korean and Russian cuisines. Check out the variety of sandwiches, pizzas, salads and appetizers, pasta, soups, noodles, ramen and more.
The dessert menu includes chocolate mousse, cold set cheesecake, banana split, ice cream or sorbet, tropic fruits and brownie Sunday coupe.
Curry lovers will enjoy special selections that include the curry combo of chicken and beef. You can also check out the daily bento bulletin board outside The Galley which is updated daily. They have a special bento for children available for lunch and dinner.
At The Galley, you can have single or double cappuccino, café latte, espresso, café Americano or just the regular coffee. Add-on flavors are also available for 50 cents: hazelnut, caramel, chocolate or vanilla.
We were at a corner table inside The Galley and had a perfect view of the pool and recreation areas through the glass windows from all sides. We could hear the merry shouts of kids and adults outside, and the flow of happy conversation from the other tables. This is one place where you can eat or drink dripping wet in your swimsuit and no one will mind.
The Galley is open for breakfast from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m., lunch from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and dinner from 5 p.m. to midnight every day. WiFi is available. Major cards are accepted. For inquiries or reservation, call 234-6592 or 235-7981.
First published HERE

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