Cakes are “us”

They come in all shapes, flavors and colors, adorned with various toppings to depict whatever the occasion is. Who could refuse a taste of them? The temptation of dipping your fingers into the colorful whirls of icing and licking it clean is too strong to resist, especially for kids.

Any occasion like weddings, birthdays, christenings, anniversaries, welcome or farewell parties and others just would not be complete without a cake. Then there are fruit cakes for December, Easter cakes, Valentines cakes and whatever “alibi’ to justify having a cake.
It’s very common in other parts of the world but in Palau, cakes are even ordered for funerals and to celebrate the birth or death anniversary of a long-ago departed loved-one.
It’s interesting to note that Palauans order custom cakes for family or clan reunions, state anniversaries and celebrations, ribbon cutting ceremonies, or for any other occasion.
In a recent cake baking contest hosted by the Belau Tourism Association, the participants even portrayed the culture and traditions of Palau and the beauty of the Rock Islands in the cakes.
Cake bakers in Palau enjoy a flourishing business as orders come pouring in for all kinds of cakes shaped in squares, rounds, oblong, and some as wide as a regular table. The baker or caterer who delivers the cakes usually cuts it up to several portions to fit their delivery vans and just assemble the whole cake when it reaches its destination.
In ceremonies or custom parties, everybody gets to eat the cake.
After chiefs or the leaders of the occasion slice and pose for souvenir photos, the cake is placed in individual plates and distributed to the guests.
Cakes will always be a part of any event for years to come.

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