Coffee 101: Sipping it super-hot or sizzling cold

Coffee is never just coffee, and it is not plain and simple. Preparing a hot cup of coffee for a cold and rainy day (or sizzling cold for a warm day) makes a big difference in the final result. So says Palm Bay Bistro Food & Beverage manager Erwin Muyot.
“The taste and aroma of a cup of coffee, no matter how you flavor it, should always be dominant and that’s what makes the difference to appreciate coffee,” Erwin said, while preparing the restaurant’s latest offering to coffee lovers- the Coffee Jelly (this however is served only cold).
He added that we need to start appreciating coffee the way we do wine. But isn’t coffee, well, just coffee?
The coffee maker whirred to life at Erwin’s touch, and a few minutes later, he spooned coffee-flavored jelly into the bottom of the glass, poured a mixture of the freshly-made coffee, added a splash of the jelly on top of the glass, stuck a straw and presto, the Coffee Jelly was ready.
Not much of a coffee drinker myself, (I use instant coffee I get the chance) I can’t quite distinguish between the taste of differently-flavored coffee and the Coffee Jelly looked more like a shake to me. I sipped it slowly and to my surprise, the drink tastes like, well, coffee. Deliciously cool coffee who’s aroma teases your nostrils and the taste lingers in your mouth long after you finish a cold glass of it.
“We brew Starbucks coffee beans for our coffee, and it is the decaffeinated brand so it’s recommendable for all age groups,” Erwin said. He added that their coffee customers range from kids to adults, from westerners to locals.
Other variations are coffee flavored with Mocha, caramel, strawberry, Irish ice cream, vanilla, almond, mocha shake, and raspberry for $3.75.
“You can go hot or go cold on our flavored coffee or your choice. That way we can suit the different tastes of customers,” Erwin said.
If you go for the regular hot cup, Palm Bay Bistro also serves Espresso, CaCafé Latte, cappuccino, and freshly-brewed Starbucks coffee.
For the coffee aficionados, a tall glass of Coffee Jelly with almond flavor can be had at the Palm Bay Bistro from 6:30 to 10:30 a.m., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. every day. Please call 680-488-3476 for more details.

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