Spicing up lunchtime with Bibimbap

THE Bibimbap Station occupies a corner of the Costa Terrace Restaurant of the Aqua Resort Hotel every lunch time, and this corner continuously attracts a fair share of diners to are into the spicy side.

Bibimbap is a Korean dish which literally means “stirred/mixed meal”. The different ingredients are set out in tempting presentations and all a diner needs to do is to put a little amount of rice in a bowl and top it with whatever ingredients he or she wants from the Bibimbap station.

“You are free to choose some or all of the available vegetables like cucumber, radish, celery, carrots, kangkong leaves, Zenmai (a Korean vegetable resembling kangkong), ground beef, and sunny side up,” says restaurant manager Rom E. Manzon.
“You could either sprinkle your dish with chopped chili or splash it with Korean chili paste,” Manzon said.
Not much into spicy foods myself, I had to take sips of soda throughout the meal but it was tolerable, not extra hot that would prompt you to take a noonday dip in the pool or fish out a hankie to wipe your tears. The chili did not succeed in drowning out the delicious flavors of the different vegetables, though. Bibimbap dish is supposed to be stirred thoroughly before you eat it to get a mix of flavors. (Remind me to do it next time, heh).
The Bibimbap station is the highlight at the Costa Terrace restaurant every lunch time. Diners can have their fill of the tantalizing menus from the other sections like the hot section, desserts, salads, and soups.
Dining at the romantic setting of ARC restaurants is one memorable experience you will treasure. Looking through flower-filled windows to a fantastic view of the sun and sea is more than enough to whet your appetite, and it will be worth the effort of driving all the way there.
For reservations or inquiries, please call 670- 322-1234.

(Published in Marianas Variety June 6, 2008 issue)
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