Merienda Quickies

Here is the best merienda/snack quickies you can avail of fast and easy, especially if you’re in the Philippines.

A cup of hot Barako 3-in-1 San Miguel coffee, two pieces of suman balanghoy or cassava, and a small piece of bibingka.
Suman is made with grated cassava and coconut milk rolled into banana leaves and steamed. My favorite version of suman cassava is the one with fresh coconut strips for more flavor.

Bibingka or baked rice cake is one of the most popular classic Filipino delicacies sold on street markets and food markets. Bibingka is traditionally cooked in clay pots lined with leaves.
There’s a riddle about bibingka that goes this way: Heat under it, heat over it. The middle of it is very good to eat.”


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