Goin’ hot for siopao

One of the tempting displays at the shelves of the fastfood inside the WCTC Shopping Center is a tray containing white steamed, meat-filled buns which is a popular food item in the Philippine and Chinese culture. These are called siopao.
Siopao, in reality is a larger version of Chinese dumplings and the Breadfruit bakery stuff them with a filling concoction of beef or pork filling.
Breadfruit Bakery master chef Rey Fortus said siopao is among the bakery’s bestsellers as they make them everyday.
I personally find the siopao very convenient to eat. It is fitted for people with an active lifestyle since you can eat it easily while walking, standing, driving, or even lying down while watching television. (I ate one siopao at the table while standing in front between the vegetable section and the fast food and got my fill with no one minding me).
It does not require the use of utensils.
Siopao, also called Mantou in northern China or simply Pau (bun) in other parts of China and Hong Kong is simply known as steamed buns in English. It is also called Salapao in Thailand.
These buns can be stuffed with a wide selection of choices- from meat to chicken, vegetables, sweet custard or whatever your choice is but for the present, Fortus said they are only serving beef and pork fillings in their siopao.
Ah! the satisfaction of letting your teeth sink into the white, glutinous and sticky bun and tasting the delicious filling inside is just heavenly. (Watch out though, and if you’re not alert, you may include eating the square piece of wax paper placed underneath the siopao).
The best way to eat siopao is to pair it with a sweet asado sauce or catsup or you can either poke a hole in the side and squirt the sauce in. You can also your siopao into the filling as you eat it.
What’s more, a siopao at the WCTC fast food is very affordable, just $.75 cents each. Wash it down with soda, ice tea or your favorite drink, and presto, you’ve got a full stomach. (this varies from person to person of course. I couldn’t consume more than one at a time). RCB

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